Mr PALLAS (Treasurer) (09:38:56) — I rise to inform the house of the Wyndham Citizens Academy’s recent visit to Parliament. This exciting program is run by the Wyndham Community and Education Centre from my electorate of Werribee. Eleven leaders from local multicultural groups were treated to a tour of our Parliament and observed our democracy in action. I was delighted to answer their questions about the role of Parliament as our primary lawmaking body, a place where diverse voices come together to pursue the common interest. The Wyndham Citizens Academy connects leaders from Wyndham’s diverse communities with institutions that work with the law to learn more about the justice system. It is part of the Andrews Labor government’s investment in community support networks, which recognises that community safety means giving communities a real sense of ownership in local crime prevention measures. It is hard to imagine what Wyndham would be like without the contribution of people from diverse cultures who have made their community and their home in Wyndham. That is why it is fantastic to see involvement from all cross-sections of the Wyndham community. I want to thank the Wyndham Community and Education Centre for their continued work in fostering inclusion and engagement in my electorate.