Mr PALLAS (Treasurer) — I rise to update the house on the continuing success of the Victorian economy. Whilst those opposite might have had a summer of sloth and indolence, the Victorian economy did not let up, with more jobs and more investment generated over summer. Those opposite have got a saying, ‘When we need to squeal, Pesutto’s the deal’. They try to hide out. We are on the brink of creating 200 000 jobs in our first two years of government, which for those playing at home actually means more than double what the opposition managed in four years — four long, lost years.

We have beaten the time line that those opposite set prior to the previous election to create 200 000 — —

Mr T. Smith interjected.

Questions and statements interrupted.


Member for Kew

The SPEAKER — Order! The member for Kew will withdraw himself from the house for the period of 1 hour. The Treasurer is entitled to silence when making a ministers statement. The Treasurer to continue, in silence.

Honourable member for Kew withdrew from chamber.


Ministers statements: economy

Questions and statements resumed.

Mr PALLAS (Treasurer) — We have beaten the time line that those opposite set prior to the previous election of creating 200 000 jobs in three years — quite considerably, I might say. We have not yet matched the gargantuan training target of 1 billion Victorians, but then the size of their ego far exceeds their grasp of reality. Of those nearly 200 000 jobs created over two years, 120 000 are full‑time positions, compared to the meagre 16 400 jobs those opposite created in four long, lost years. It should be a matter of joy for those members opposite and this house that Victoria last year created more jobs than the rest of the nation combined. Whilst the Victorian economy put on 118 500 new jobs last year, New South Wales, that great doyen of economic activity, put on 1000.