Mr PALLAS (Treasurer) — I rise to update the house on yet another achievement of the Andrews government in fully funding the delivery of an additional 2729 police officers for Victoria. This is a record investment of over $2 billion for the police force over the next four years, the largest single investment in Victoria Police’s history. Together with the additional recruits that we incorporated into the 2016–17 budget, this government has now funded 3135 police.
Those opposite funded no extra police in four years. This unprecedented investment is a clear message to the Victorian people that we are using our AAA credit rating, our AAA economy and our strong budget to ensure that we deliver what Victorians need. We have delivered over 184 000 jobs in two years, nearly double what the opposition managed in their four long years. Those opposite talk tough on crime, but their legacy in government is of destitute administration and of a social deficit for our great state. How else can we reconcile their tough talk in government when they talk about crime with their cutting — —
Honourable members interjecting.
Mr Clark — On a point of order, Speaker — —
The SPEAKER — Order! The Treasurer can generate some engagement in the house, but the member for Box Hill, the manager of opposition business, is entitled to make a point of order in silence.
Mr Clark — Speaker, the Treasurer is now in breach of sessional orders. He is proceeding to debate the matter rather than advise the house of matters, and I ask you to bring him back to compliance.
The SPEAKER — Order! The Treasurer will come back to making a statement.
Mr PALLAS — To quote Joe Biden, ‘Show me your budget, and I’ll tell you what you value’. Real conviction requires action to match the rhetoric. That is what we delivered and that is what they never did. We have seen it all before. If they could not shut it, sell it or sack it, it was of no value to them.
Mr Clark — On a point of order, Speaker, the Treasurer is now defying your ruling, and I ask you to bring him back to compliance with sessional orders.
The SPEAKER — Order! The Treasurer will — —
Mr PALLAS — Well, Speaker — —
The SPEAKER — Order! The Chair has not called on the Treasurer. If the Treasurer is not wishing to speak on the point of order, the Chair then calls on the Treasurer to come back and conclude his ministers statement.
Mr PALLAS — Only Labor values and resources our police. If you want to know what their values were when they cut 350 vital police support staff, that is what they valued. The Andrews Labor government is getting it done.