Tim PALLAS (Werribee – Treasurer, Minister for Industrial Relations, Minister for Economic Growth) (14:28): I imagine this contribution will be met with almost unanimous support. I am pleased to update the house on how the state’s economic performance is tracking. It is Olympian. Let me start with job creation, where we are in first place in the nation, with over 827,000 jobs created since November 2014, when this government first came to office, the most of any state in the nation, including New South Wales, who are a fair bit bigger in terms of population – a gold medal performance, you might say, or as Norman May may well have said, gold, gold, gold. But there is more gold to come. Deloitte Access Economics has rated Victoria as the best performing economy in the nation not just this year but for the next five. Indeed our state economy is in fact the engine room of the nation. We are the leading weightlifters when it comes to job creation and investment, with the greatest number of new businesses created since 2021 and the largest increase in retail trade since this government was first elected. Like a good marathon runner, our strengths have maintained over time. We have a total of $208 billion worth of infrastructure commencing or continuing in new and existing capital projects, creating jobs, improving productivity for business and delivering better services. I know that this house is unanimous in its support for the monumental efforts of our Olympians, but perhaps we should sit back and contextualise the heroic efforts that Victorian business and the Victorian people are putting into making this economy great.