Mr PALLAS (Treasurer) (11:24:56) — I rise to inform the house about the continuing resurgence of a Victorian jobs market and of course the success of the Andrews Labor government in creating jobs and putting Victorians in work.

The most recent job start‑up of course shows that since we were elected there have been more jobs created in Victoria than anywhere else in the country. ‘How many jobs?’, I hear you ask. ‘Lots’ is the answer — over 316 000 jobs in fact, and nearly 200 000 of those jobs are full‑time jobs, which incidentally is five times more than those opposite managed in their four long‑lost years.

We have also managed to create six times more jobs in regional Victoria than those opposite. The Nationals, of course, off on a frolic of their own, have no interest in Victorian jobs. Just look at how they have tried to kill off jobs in Benalla.

Mr Clark — On a point of order, Speaker, the Treasurer is now departing from making a ministers statement and is proceeding to debate the issue, and I ask you to bring him back to making a ministers statement.

The SPEAKER — The Treasurer had been making a ministers statement and then had departed from making a ministers statement. I ask him to come back to government business.

Mr PALLAS — As I say, the jobs growth in this state is nothing short of spectacular. Few commentators would talk down our labour market or our economy, both of which lead the nation. But of course the member for Malvern is ambitious. He is to the Victorian economy what John Howard was to fast bowling.

Mr Clark — On a point of order, Speaker, the Treasurer is now defying your ruling and returning to debating the issue. I ask you to instruct him to return to making a ministers statement.

Honourable members interjecting.

The SPEAKER — Yes, I do ask the Treasurer to come back to making a ministers statement. I warn the member for Ringwood to cease shouting across the chamber.

Mr PALLAS — Whether it is new housing tax cuts, whether it is new infrastructure or whether in fact it is our efforts to ensure that there is stamp duty relief for first home owners, we are committed to these things. People can see the effort that we are putting in: tax cuts to business so that they can employ more — we are out there doing it each and every day. Those opposite are just in the business of knocking and blocking. But despite their efforts the ANZ Stateometer today has once again confirmed the robust growth of the Victorian economy.