

Public Accounts and Estimates Committee: budget estimates 2012-13 (part 1)

Mr Pallas (Tarneit) — In  regard to the Treasurer’s portfolio I refer to part 1  of  report  on  the 2012-13  budget estimates.  On page  127 of  the  report, paragraph  14.6.3 outlines key matters that were raised  at the budget estimates hearing,  including  those regarding employment…

Public Accounts and Estimates Committee: budget estimates 2012 13 (parts 1 and 2)

Mr Pallas (Tarneit) — I refer the house  to page 5 of the Public Accounts and Estimates  Committee  report on  the  2012-13 budget  estimates,  part 2,  which relates to integrated transport planning and sustainable  transport development, as an item  without a  quality measure,  and also ..

Public Accounts and Estimates Committee: budget estimates 2012-13 (part 1)

Mr  Pallas (Tarneit)  — I  will comment  on the  report of the 2012-13 budget estimates  in  regard  to  the  port of Hastings and port capacity  issues.  The Minister for Ports, whose comments are referred  to on  page 118,  has failed to heed  or publicly  release ..