

Employment – Delivered in Parliament 5 Feb 2014

Mr Pallas (Tarneit) — It is  with great sadness that I  grieve for the people of Victoria and for  the 47 000 more Victorians who have become unemployed since this government came to  office. It really does demonstrate the priorities  that this  government  has set..

Werribee Secondary College – Delivered in Parliament 11 Dec 2013

Mr Pallas (Tarneit) — On 4 December I attended a public forum at the Werribee Secondary College co-hosted  by  the Committee for  Wyndham. Over 300  concerned parents and friends  attended  the  forum  but  there were no attendees from the state government, which is an issue..

East Werribee justice precinct – Delivered in Parliament 10 Dec 2013

 Tim Pallas (Tarneit) — The matter I  wish to raise is  for  the Minister for Planning.  The action I  seek is  for the minister to  provide me  with written advice concerning  what  action is  being  undertaken to  ensure  adequate  land acquisitions  are made for  a ..

City of Wyndham roads – Delivered in Parliament 26 Nov 2013

 Mr PALLAS  (Tarneit)  — I  rise  to  address  the  matter  of  the  rapidly deteriorating and  increasingly inadequate state of arterial roads in Wyndham. I have  raised  this issue again and again, yet the government continues  to  snub this community. Many of the  roads  are  essential  links..

Werribee Mercy Hospital emergency department – Delivered in Parliament 13 Nov 2013

Mr Pallas (Tarneit) — I rise to speak on the Napthine government’s failure to address  the increasing demand being  placed upon the  Werribee Mercy Hospital’s emergency department.  Annual  reports  tabled in  the  Parliament in  the  last sitting week reveal what many local residents already know ..

Government financial management – Delivered in Parliament 13 Nov 2013

Mr  Pallas (Tarneit) —  Another  matter of public  importance  (MPI) has been brought  to this place by the government in another effort to commend itself for the very  little that it has  done in this state. Labor  welcomes the Standard & Poor’s decision not to ..

City of Wyndham public and social housing – Delivered in Parliament 31 October 2013

Mr Pallas (Tarneit) — I rise to highlight the inaction of the  government in relation  to   the   shortage   of   public  housing,  and  particularly  crisis accommodation, in the city of Wyndham. The H3 (Health, Housing and Homelessness) Wyndham  Alliance,  a formal partnership of  local  organisations  committed ..

Fire Services Property Levy – Delivered in Parliament 30 October 2013

Mr Pallas (Tarneit) — This is a matter  of public importance. It goes  to the heart of this government’s competence,  its willingness to listen  to the people of  Victoria and its willingness  to  stand  and  act  in  accordance  with  its pre-election rhetoric. Its failure to..

Government Performance – Delivered in Parliament on 16 October 2013

Mr Pallas (Tarneit)  — I grieve for  Victoria’s economic performance and  its management  by this bungling,  self-absorbed  government. I  grieve  for a state which  has  seen its citizens  being  hoodwinked and misled —  not  led — by a government unable to come up with  a ..

Wyndham Planning Scheme – Delivered in Parliament on 18 Sept 2013

Mr Pallas (Tarneit) — Given that my correspondence has figured so prominently in contributions from  members on  the other  side, I  seek leave  to table  the correspondence and also have it incorporated into the record.   The ACTING SPEAKER (Mr Northe) — Order! Is leave..